Januar 7

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Pharma: Outsourcing und Transformation

Von Bernhard Gandolf

Januar 7, 2025

Aufgaben Vendor Manager, Bernhard Gandolf, Digitale Transformation, Dr. Dankwart Rauscher, Outsourcing, Pharma

Transformation und Outsourcing in der Pharmaindustrie

Wie die beiden Dinge zusammenhängen wie du dein Pharma-Business sicherst, verrät Dr. Dankwart Rauscher im CEO-Talk in Folge 3.  Bei einer Tasse Tee spricht er über hochqualifizierte Outsourcing-Manager:innen und benötigte Skills, also Fähigkeiten. Denn dem Outsourcing, so viel wurde schon in den ersten beiden Teilen klar, misst Dr. Rauscher eine strategische Bedeutung zu. Das gilt erst recht in Zeiten des hohen Transformationsdrucks. Auch in anderen Branchen herrscht ein hoher Druck. Welche Parallelen siehst du? Zieh dir die für dich nützlichen Impulse daraus! 

Folge 3: Pharma: Outsourcing und Transformation

Wie du siehst, unterteilten wir den CEO-Talk in praktische Portionen zu je 5 Minuten. Ganz genau genommen 5:03 Minuten wendet man auf, um die 3. Folge des CEO-Talks mit Dr. Dankwart Rauscher, DU-Pharma, anzusehen. 5 Minuten vergehen ganz schnell, besonders mit dem Interview. Gleichzeitig erfährt man, welch exzellente Berufsaussichten Outsourcing-Manager:innen wie du genießen. Schau gleich rein und erfahre mehr.

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15 Jahre im Zeichen des unermüdlichen Einsatzes voller Dynamik und Impulse und einer erfolgreichen Markttätigkeit, markieren ein gestandenes Fundament von höchster Qualität, Sicherheit und Stabilität. Man merkt bei all euren Aktivitäten euer hohes Engagement, euer inhaltliches Interesse, und auch, dass ihr für jedes Thema brennt! Besonders schätze ich deine unglaubliche Motivation, diverse Themen anzuschieben und zu begleiten uuuuuuund nie aufzugeben!
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Englisches Transkript:

Pharma: Outsourcing und Transformation

Bernhard Gandolf (BG)

Welche Skills benötigt ein Projekt- oder Outsourcing-Manager?

So I think you can almost outsource everything except of these key-core functions you just mentioned, like tender management and business development. Great. Given the increasing complexity of pharmaceutical outsourcing projects, what are the key competencies and skills a project manager needs to possess to successfully manage these initiatives? Dankwart Rauscher (DR) Yes, very important. Key competencies for such a project manager who performs outsourcing are, first of all, an in-depth knowledge of his functional area and an overview of the relevant CRO´s or partner companies where he would like to outsource. Also, knowledge about the relevant competitors is very important. A deep knowledge is also important and an insight into the pharma business and relevant operations. Let us say he should have at least ten years of experience in his role and, potentially, at European level. Also several soft skills are important, like a positive and engaging mindset, lateral leadership with intercultural expertise and a highly structured and organized approach. But as I mentioned, an in-depth knowledge and an overview about this area of business is the most important area. BG So you say you have to combine the soft skills, which are very important according to your expertise, with the practical knowledge of the pharmaceutical operational area you're into. Thank you.

Wird die Geschwindigkeit der Transformation in den nächsten 3 Jahren gleich hoch bleiben?

Pharmaceutical companies have accelerated and transformed their business in an outstanding way in the past three years. This is my external perspective. Will the speed and need for transformation stay the same in the next three years? What do you think? DR Yes, I think so. There are new technologies coming to the market continuously. An example: digital health, AI and others. This means new competitors, new products, new treatments. The pricing pressure from payors will furtheron determine the business of companies. Then also market access and health economic and outcomes research (HEOR) studies will influence the launch of products and the pricing. Although the Covid 19 pandemic has contributed a lot to these transformations. And a very important topic in my point of view is the stability of the supply chains to minimize the risk of product shortages, which we had them in the past and also in the recent times.

Outsourcing und Transformation spielen Hand in Hand

BG Right. And this also refers to the colleagues of McKinsey, I see. So according to you, as an in-depth specialist, the speed of transformation will stay high. Thank you, thank you very much, Doctor Rauscher, for sharing your valuable insights with us today. Your expertise on pharmaceutical outsourcing has been incredible enlightening for our audience. We appreciate you taking the time to join us for a cup of tea and a stimulating conversation. For those of you interested in exploring outsourcing strategies further, please do not hesitate to contact with Doctor Rauscher on LinkedIn. You can find the link in the video description down here. And if you would like to discuss your specific outsourcing challenges, feel free to schedule a complimentary consultation with our team at eisq. Visit our website and book an appointment. Thank you for watching. We look forward to bringing you more insightful conversations in the future. Thanks, Dankwart. DR Thanks a lot. Cheers. Thanks a lot to you.

Folge 1 Business Process Outsourcing Pharma

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Eine Tasse Tee über Business Process Outsourcing Pharma mit Dr. Dankwart Rauscher und Bernhard Gandolf

Folge 2 Pharma Outsourcing Services: Was sollte Inhouse bleiben?

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Dr. Dankwart Rauscher und Bernhard Gandolf: Was sollte Inhouse bleiben? - Pharma Outsourcing

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